Friday, November 9, 2007

What makes USA "a Dream Destination for us"?

What makes USA "a Dream Destination for us"?
First up is USA really a dream destination... this is a debatable question and i don't think at this point i m in a position to answer this question completely, but certainly i would like to share some of my view points.
Yes certainly points there are where USA makes itself really a dream destination:
Young professionals like us have a real good exposure to whats new and whats hot here (which may be we are denied of in India; not sure everybody thinks he same way but i feel this is the case with me at least) and a feel of what really Innovation and Out of box thinking means.
As a matter of fact we India are largely focussed on service based solution; in simpler terms we are just drawing business by customizing selling the products made by these people; in turn growing there existing business...
they in the meanwhile are focusing on newer technology and apprehending what more the new user would like. In such a situation while sitting in one of those Service oriented company's in India our creativity is more or less focused on designing newer and more effective ways of drawing business for these US majors.(thereby reducing the vision we should have) We are not given a chance to explore out new areas. Areas where we can be pioneers and the world follows us.
Sitting here in US and working in firm like Microsoft gives an altogether a new paradigm to our approach; our perspectives and targets acquire new directions.
And if its possible for us to carry this new line of thought back to India. May be we can contribute in a much better way; where in, we can be PIONEERS.
Excellence is achieved by paving our own path not following the footsteps...
Well may be i have diverted from what was supposed to be discussed, but i think we really need to come out here and have a feel of whats this Innovation really means, whats this out of box thinking means in practical terms. :)


abhilash said...

good to c u there again.. well wait for sometime.. i will come up with examples for sure..

Anonymous said...

Good words.